Christmas Tree Gift Wrapping Craft

CHRISTMAS tree gift wrapping craft for students easy and simple craft for classroom

Hi friends! Today I just wanted to share a super simple Christmas Tree Gift Wrapping Craft I have used with my first grade students during the holidays! 

We always spend a ton of time creating ornaments for students to give to their family as Christmas gifts. I needed a quick way to wrap the ornaments without spending a lot on gift bags, wrapping paper, and boxes! 

To save time and money, we started creating Christmas Tree bags! Students loved making these and were able to wrap their gifts independently! We usually make these bags on the last day of school before Christmas break and students are able to take their ornaments home with them to give to their family for Christmas.


What you need:

  • Paper Lunch Bags
  • Green paper– I use different shades of green. You could also get some fun patterned scrapbook paper. The paper can be cut in different sizes and shapes. I always save all my scraps after the project and reuse the following year. 
  • Brown paper- each student only needs a small square
  • OPTIONAL Sparkly Star Stickers
Christmas tree gift bag classroom craft for the classroom

How to Make Christmas Tree Gift Bags

I always model for students

  1. Cut your green paper into long strips.
  2. Place a paper strip at the bottom of the paper bag. Trim the ends so it fits.
  3. Take another green paper strip and put it right above the first one and trim the ends so it is a little shorter than the strip below it.

We continue cutting our strips of green paper shorter and shorter until we make our way up to the top of the bag. Students are so excited to see that we made a Christmas tree! Once we have all the strips in place and we’re happy with how the tree looks, we add a square of brown paper for the trunk. Then it’s time to glue! 

Christmas tree gift bag classroom craft for the classroom

Finally the best part, A Sparkly Star for the top!

Christmas tree gift bag classroom craft for the classroom

 After our bags are complete we place our ornaments inside and get them ready to take home. I usually give each student a piece of white tissue paper to stick in the bag to make it fancy, but you could totally skip this and just fold the top of the bag and staple! 

Students LOVE wrapping their own gifts with their Christmas Tree Bags. They are so excited to take their Christmas gift home to their family! 

Christmas tree gift bag classroom craft for the classroom

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