Are you getting ready to celebrate Leap Day – February 29, 2024 in the classroom? I love teaching about Leap Year and spending February 29th doing some fun Leap Day activities with my first graders! In this post, I’m going to share some favorite activities for celebrating 2-29-24!

Leap Day Morning Work
Start the day with some Leap Day Morning Work! I included a couple options in the freebie pack! Students can simply color and write the date or do some math and phonics work too!
I also included Leap Day Crowns for students to make! Just choose the template that works best for your students and copy onto card stock. Students can color and cut out the crown and glue onto a sentence strip! We wear the crowns the rest of the day!

Leap Year Learning Videos
During our morning meeting, we take some time to learn about Leap Day! I always show my students a few quick Youtube videos all about the Leap Year! Here are a couple of my favorite: (just make sure to check for ads before playing! :))
Leap Day Letter and Time Hop Writing Activity
For writing time, students will write a Leap Day Letter to their future self! They can write about what their life is like now and what they think it will be like in 4 years. We always brainstorm together before students begin writing. There is also a Time Hop writing activity where students can make predictions! I keep all the letters students write in a special folder so I can give it to them in 4 years!

Vowel Team Phonics Activities
For phonics, we review the EA and EE vowel teams! I use the keywords lEAp and slEEp to teach the patterns. Students can then do a vowel team sort and play this Around the Pond no prep game with a partner!

Leap Year Math – Leap and Measure and Leaping on the Number Line
During math time, we do a special Leap and Measure activity. With a partner, students will see how far they can leap! They will then measure the distance. Depending on the age of your students you can use standard units to measure (inches and feet) or grab some nonstandard units like cubes, crayons, or paper clips! Students love lining up the units and counting!
After they finish the activity they can practice Leaping on the Number Line to add!

Leap Day Word Search and Color by Code Partner Activities
We end the day by working on two partner activities: a Leap Year Word Search and Leap Year Color by Code! I let students work with a partner and choose which activity they want to do first! Students can grab their supplies and find a spot in the classroom to work together. Once they complete one activity, they can start the second!

Want to grab these activities to use in your classroom this Leap Day? Find the FREE Leap Year Activity Pack here!

Since the Leap Year only comes around once every 4 years, I love doing activities to make it special for my students! I hope this post gave you some great ideas for celebrating February 29th in your classroom!
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This is a great way to celebrate Leap Year!!
Hi thank you
Looks amazing!!!
Love these
This is great!!