Streamline Your Math Centers with Routines in 1st Grade

Math centers 1st grade

How to Implement Math Center Routines in the Classroom

Math Centers are an important part of our guided math time in our first grade classroom! I love giving my students hands-on activities to review and practice math skills! 1st Grade Math centers also allow me to meet with students in small groups to differentiate instruction.

However, planning and prepping math center activities every week can be challenging!

  • Finding new games and changing out the tubs
  • Taking instructional time to explain new games to students every week
  • The constant interruptions when they forget how to play the games that I taught earlier in the week 😩
1st grade math centers math center activities

I almost gave up on them all together until I figured out a game changer – weekly math center routines. I realized that when I kept the same activities each week but just changed out the math skills, my students were SO much more independent! They weren’t confused and were able to be successful! Plus it saved me a ton of planning time! In this post, I am going to share how to start implementing math center routines in your classroom and how to make your 1st grade math centers successful!

Want to read more about our 1st grade math centers? Check out these posts!

Why use Math Centers in the Classroom?

If you asked my students what their favorite part of the day is, a lot of them would say math centers! And I love it too! I love the buzz in the room of students working collaboratively, practicing skills in a fun, hands-on way, and the time I get to spend working with a small group of students! After all, this is when I see all the light bulb moments happen! 💡

1st grade math centers math center activities

Here are 3 Reasons to try math centers in your classroom!

  • 💗 They give you time to meet with small groups! While my students are working at a math tub with their math partner, I am meeting with small groups. This time is essential for student growth! (Read more about our small groups here!)
  • 💗 They give students time to spiral review skills. We know our little ones can’t learn a skill once and be good to go. They need to go back and review constantly! I love that math centers give the opportunity to keep previously taught math skills fresh in their brains!
  • 💗 They are FUN! Students LOVE practicing their skills with games and hands-on activities! 

Managing 1st Grade Math Centers

Each day, we begin our math block with a whole group mini lesson. After our whole group time, we begin our 3 daily math rotations:

  • Teacher Table (For guided, differentiated instruction with me!)
  • Independent Work/ Technology
  • Math Tubs (Students complete one math center activity each day with a partner!)

I use these math center rotation slides to manage my daily math rotations. On my board, I partner students by putting their names next to each other. The number indicates which math tub they will work on each day.

Center Rotation Slides Math Centers Guided Math Rotations in 1st Grade

We do Guided Math Rotations Monday through Thursday (Friday is a review and assessment day.) That means I need to prep 4 math tub activities each week.

Instead of coming up with 4 brand new activities every week, I started implementing math center routines!

How to Implement Math Center Routines

A math center routine is an activity that can be done over and over again through out the year. The activity stays the same, just change out the skill! Using consistent activities helps students to work independently. They are focused on practicing the math skills rather than understanding how to do the activity.

Using math center routines also saves instructional time when it comes to introducing math centers to students each week. You can teach an activity once, then just quickly review procedures and expectations each week!

Finally, math center routines save me SO MUCH TIME when planning our 1st grade math centers! I use this method to plan a whole month of math centers in just 10 minutes!

What Activities Should I use for 1st Grade Math Centers?

Math Centers Activity 1: Solve the Room

Our very favorite 1st grade math centers routine is Solve the Room! This is one of our math center routines that students complete every single week! (It is always Math Tub Activity 1 🤗)

1st grade math centers math center activities

Each week I tape a new set of task cards around the classroom. When students visit this center, they grab a clipboard and a recording sheet and walk around the classroom solving the math problems. After they finish, they visit the Grading Station and check their work!

1st grade math centers math center activities

Students love coming in each week to see the new task cards taped up around the room!

math centers 1st grade

Grab the Solve the Room Yearlong Bundle Here!

1st grade Math Task Cards Solve the Room 1st grade math centers math center activities

Math Centers Activity 2: Fact Fluency (FREEBIE!)

An important part of our 1st grade math centers is practicing our fact fluency! I have found that giving students regular fact fluency practice is essential for growth! We use our Fact Fluency center as a math center routine every single week! (This is always Math Tub 2!)

1st grade math centers math center activities addition Fact fluency center free resource

In the math tub I put:

  • Flash Cards
  • Laminated Fact Races
  • Dry Erase Markers
  • 1 minute Sand Timers

Students can quiz their math partner using the flash cards and use 1 minute sand timers to see how many facts they can complete on the fact race!

1st grade math centers math center activities addition Fact fluency center free resource

Grab the FREE Addition Fact Fluency Math Center here!

I also have a Subtraction Fact Fluency center. You can find it here!

Math Centers Activity 3: Math Mats

I love using math mats during my Guided Math Small Group Instruction! To prep, I simply print enough copies for each student in the group and slide into a dry erase pocket! Then, just prep any manipulatives students will need. After using a math mat during small group time, I re-use them as math center activities! I just add dice or number cards to turn it into an independent activity. (Math Tub 3 is usually a Math Mat activity from teacher table!)

1st grade math centers math center activities place value math mat
1st grade math centers math center activities Fact Families math mat

Students are able to work independently because they have done the activity before and I don’t have to prep anything extra! Win Win!

1st grade math centers math center activities guided math small group math mats

You can grab some free Addition Math Mats here to try it out!

I also include math mats for every first grade math skill inside my Happy Math 1st grade guided math units! Check them out here!

Other 1st Grade Math Centers Routines

For our last math tub (Math Tub 4) I usually alternate through a few different math center routines. Or I might throw in a fun seasonal math center! I am more flexible with this math tub because if our first 3 are normal math center routines, then I can spend a little more time introducing this math tub! (Explaining 1 new math center vs 4 is a huge win!)

Here are a few more math center routines that I like to incorporate regularly:

Math Centers Activity 4: Solve and Cover

Solve and Cover is another game-changing math center! This is a self-checking game that reviews over 40 first grade math skills!

Students will take turns choosing a card and solving it on their math mat. After solving, they can check the back to see if they are correct. If they are, they can cover a space on their mat. The first partner to cover their math completely is the winner!

1st grade math centers math center activities

The best part of this math center is that it is Mix and Match! Choose a seasonal or non seasonal math math and then choose a math skill. You can also easily differentiate by choosing a different skill for each of your groups!

1st grade math centers activities games

Find Solve and Cover here!

Math Centers Activity 5: Math Memory Match

Math Match is another FAVORITE math center activity! We play Memory Math Match for almost every math skill I teach! Students know how to play so it takes no time at all to give the directions. I also use these cards in tons of different ways! We love to play Partner Up during whole group lessons to review a skill!

math centers 1st grade activities

Find Math Match Here!

1st grade math centers math center activities Math Memory Match Game

Math Centers Activity 6: Color by Code

If I need a truly no prep math center, I will sometimes throw in a Color by Code! These are great for Addition and Subtraction practice and the kids LOVE completing them! This set includes 3 levels for each picture for easy differentiation. 

math centers 1st grade activities

Find the Color by Code bundle to use all year long here!

💗 You can find all of my favorite math center routine bundles here!

The easy system for planning your 1st grade math centers

When I plan out my math centers, I like to plan a month at a time!

✅ I start by adding our weekly math center routines (Solve the Room, Fact Fluency.)

✅ Then I add a Math Mat we have already done at teacher table.

✅ Last I add one more math center routine (Like Solve and Cover, Math Match, or Color by Code) or another fun Seasonal center!

Learn more about the planning system here!

Guided Math Planning Binder

Want to grab the Math Center Planning Sheet for free? I have a free resource for you! Check out this Guided Math Workshop Lesson Planning Binder!

You’ll find:

  • Lesson Planning Templates
  • Binder Covers
  • Math Center Planner
  • Small Group Organizers
  • Data Trackers
  •  And MORE! 
1st grade math centers math center activities Guided math planning binder

I hope this gave you some ideas for implementing math center routines into your 1st grade math centers! Questions? I love to chat all things Guided Math and Math Centers! Message me on Instagram – it’s my favorite place to hang out! 💗 Kelsey

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  1. I love your system and resources, but I’m having a hard time visualizing it. Do your small groups only do one math tub per day, along with tech and teacher table? Rotating a total of 3 times during your math time?