Comparing Numbers is an important skill that we teach in first grade. By the end of the year, students should be able to compare two-digit numbers and determine which one is greater or less than the other.
In order to compare 2-digit numbers, 1st graders need to have solid number sense and place value understanding. I like to begin my comparing numbers unit, right after our place value unit! You can read more about our Place Value Unit here!
In this post, I will share exactly how I teach comparing numbers in 1st grade and share some hands-on comparing numbers activities! You can find all the activities for comparing numbers in my Place Value Guided Math Unit here!

Tip 1: Don’t Teach the Comparison Symbols Right Away!
Before I introduce comparing symbols to my students, I want students to have a concrete understanding of how we compare numbers. We practice using number sense to determine which numbers are bigger or smaller and then using comparison vocabulary – greater than, less than, and equal to – to describe numbers.

We practice using number lines, 120 charts, and pictures to determine which numbers are bigger and which are smaller.

Number lines can be a helpful visual tool for comparing numbers. Students can see that the further to the right a number is on the number line, the greater it is.

I then teach my students comparing numbers vocabulary: greater than, less than, and equal to. At this point we are just practicing with the words. I have not introduced the symbols yet.

We practice reading comparisons from left to right. This will be extremely important, once we start using comparison symbols!
Tip 2: Use Place Value to teach Comparing Numbers
After introducing how to compare numbers and using greater than/ less than vocabulary, we then start to work with 2-digit numbers. I model for students how to use place value to compare.
We always begin with the highest place value. When comparing For 2-digit numbers, we start with the 10s place. We compare the digits and learn that the number that has more 10s will be the larger number. If the 10s place is the same, we move next door and look at the 1s.

Students can compare the digits in each number to determine which one is greater. For example, in the numbers 34 and 56, the digit in the tens place is greater in 56, which makes it the greater number.
We practice building numbers with base 10 blocks and using place value charts. I always have students underline the digit that determines the greater number.

Tip 3: Teach the symbols for Comparing Numbers
Once students have a solid understanding of using place value and number sense to compare numbers, then I introduce the symbols. I’ve found that when I give them time to practice comparing using words first, they are able to learn to use the symbols MUCH more quickly.
I like to use two strategies to teach the symbols! Not all students learn the same way and I’ve found that both of these strategies work well for different students. My first graders love choosing the strategy that helps their brain the best!
Alligator Mouth Strategy

The first is the Alligator mouth! This strategy is a classic, and I’ve found that the story of a hungry alligator chomping the greater number really helps some students to remember the symbol.

The Dot Strategy for Comparing Numbers

The next strategy for comparing numbers that I teach is the Dot Method. This strategy is AMAZING for visual learners and SO simple.
In a comparison, simply draw two dots next to the bigger number and 1 dot next to the smaller number. Connect the dots to make the symbol.
For numbers that are equal, draw two dots next to both numbers and connect.

I like to have 1 day of modeling and practice for each strategy. After that, students are able to choose the strategy that works best for their brain when comparing numbers!

Step 4: Comparing Numbers Games and Songs!
Hands-on practice is so important for any math skill! Here are a few of the hands-on games and activities we do during small group and math centers!
Roll and Compare
This is a game we play in math small group first, then add it as a math center. Students play with a partner and each roll dice. The partner with the highest number wins the roll. Both partners record the comparison on their recording sheet.
I love dice games because it is so each to differentiate by just switching out the dice. You can have students roll 2 dice to make a 2-digit number (or even 3 for a 3-digit number) if they are ready!

Comparing Numbers Solve the Room
Solve the Room is one of our favorite math centers! I tape task cards around our classroom for students to find. When students visit the center, they grab a clipboard and recording sheet and walk around the room searching for task cards. They solve the problem on their recording sheet and move to another card. When they have found them all, they can visit our classroom grading station to check their work. You can read more about that here!

Comparing Numbers Number Rock
This is one of our favorite songs to sing about comparing numbers! All of the Number Rock songs are so catchy! You can find it here!

Want to make planning your Comparing Numbers math lessons easier? Grab all of these activities in my Place Value Math Unit!
It includes:
- Teaching Slides: No-prep mini lessons with a daily objective, explicit instruction, modeling, practice, and critical thinking
- Math Mat Activities for Small Groups and Math Centers
- Printable Posters for a Comparing Numbers Anchor Chart or bulletin board