Teaching fractions in the Elementary grades can be extremely challenging! It is a tricky concept for students to master, and I’ve found that the more fun and hands-on learning opportunities, the better! My absolute favorite way to engage my first grade students while learning about fractions is through pizza! Check out these Pizza Fraction activities and ideas for elementary students. These Pizza My Heart Fraction Activities are perfect for Valentine’s Day or any time of year!
Fraction Posters
During our fraction unit, I like to display these fraction posters on our math bulletin board for students to refer to!

Activity Ideas for Practicing Fractions in Elementary:
These activities can be used in whole group lessons, as small group activities at your teacher table, or used in math centers! For more info about how I run math workshop, check out this blog post for easy to implement tips!
Fraction Activity 1: Name the Pizza Fraction
This is a perfect Fraction Activity for a whole group lesson. I display a pizza fraction on the smart board and model writing the fraction to match. We practice counting how many total parts are in the whole first. Then after finding our denominator, we count the parts we have to find the numerator. After modeling, I call on students to come up and write the fraction and read it out loud. I also love to have all students participate in the lesson by writing the fraction on their own personal dry erase boards. Students then turn and talk and share their work with their math partner. Using dry erase boards is great for a quick formative assessment. After using these in whole group, I like to print them and put them in a binder for students to practice during math centers!

Fraction Activity 2: Fraction Spin and Cover
This is a game that I first introduce at my small group table then after, use as a math center. Students play with a partner and try to cover 5 fraction pizzas in a row. They spin the spinner and cover the pizza that matches their fraction. This game is great for differentiation because there are 3 different levels. I love using the pizza heart erasers from the Target Dollar Spot as game pieces!

Pizza Fraction Activity 3: Make a Fraction Pizza (Freebie!)
You’re students will love creating their own Fraction Pizza Recipe! Students will partition their pizza info halves, thirds or fourths. They will then color toppings on each piece and use fractions to describe their pizza! You can grab the freebie here!

Pizza Fraction Activity 4: Memory Match
Students absolutely LOVE playing memory match. I model for students how to lay the cards face down in rows and columns. Students take turns picking two cards. If the fractions match, they get to keep the cards and go again. If it is not a match, the next friend picks. Once all matches have been found they play again!

Pizza Fraction Activity 5: Put Together Pizza Puzzles
This Fraction Activity is a great small group warm up when first introducing halves, fourths, thirds, and whole. I give each student at my small group table a plastic baggie or container of the pizza fraction puzzle pieces. Then, they put together their puzzles, then label each one. After putting our fraction pizzas together, I like to have them find different fractions. For example, I’ll say find one fourth and students will hold up the fraction piece.

Pizza Fraction Activity 6: Color a Pizza
In this Pizza Fraction Activity, students will roll a die. The will use the Fraction Key to color or cover part of a pizza on their game board!

Pizza Fraction Activities Visual Directions
All of these activities come with visual directions to help students complete activities independently during math centers!
I hope you found some fun and engaging activities to make teaching fractions a little easier! You can find all of these Pizza Fraction Activities here!
Or you can save the picture below to use in your future fraction unit!

Let me know if you have any questions at all! Have a great week!